Friday, October 30, 2009

More work done

Last night I turned the first donut of the season. It felt great. Not something I do all the time but I like knowing I can do it.
It has been a day of fine tuning, fixing and cleaning and sometimes it's the simple and cheap things that work the best. My car has been hesitating off the line, sometimes to a dead stall. This is no good for city driving. Jon, my VW mechanic had addressed it as a bad vacuum line and suggested I change it out. It seems the fiend that owned my engine had also worked on it with his own three hands as well. My vacuum controlled advance has a different nipple size then the one on the carb. So the stock line did not fit the advance. So, in my constant quest to make my car a true daily driver I decided that this was the day to fix it. Thanks to the nice folks at my local O'Reilly Auto Parts Store getting the new piece of hose was free. And no more hesitation.
The carpet in the drivers well has come unglued and the duct tape that was holding it there came off. So it was time for something a bit more permanent. At first I thought of using a sheet metal screw but ended up with a two part adhesive. With some electrical tape to hold it until it bonds. No more carpet flapping around the pedals is a good thing.
On the rear bumper was a sticker proclaiming "Green is good. Seedless." Well after I was told what it meant the sticker had to go. Not that I mind those that flaunt their ganja habit, and it certainly wasn't offensive to me per se, but it's not something I want to advertise. Here in the Garden City what your bumper sticker says relates directly to who you are and how you think. We Missoulians are not afraid to put it on our bumper for the whole world to read. And that one really doesn't fit me. At all. So I scraped it off with a razor blade and replaced with an Alder Gulch Shortline sticker. That's much better.
I've also started a mileage log for Zazu to find out how much gas he actually drinks per mile. Or vice versa. I hope I can still get "An Honest 25 MPG" out of this car 40 years after his making.
At this point all that remains is to vacuum the car and he'll be ready for the weekend. Next week we get the genny turned around so it's being cooled properly, hook up the CB and hopefully a radio.

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